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What is Static files in ASP.NET Core? Static files are stored within the project's wwwroot directory and Startup.Configure enables static files to be served.
What is the difference between synchronous postback and asynchronous postback? The difference between synchronous and asynchronous postback is as follows: - Asynchronous postback renders only the part of the page which is needed; while, synchronous postback renders the entire page in a postback. - Asynchronous postback executes only one postback at a time, that is, if you have two buttons doing asynchronous postback, the actions are executed one by one; while, - synchronous postback invoke all the actions at a time. - Asynchronous postback only changes the update panel that invoke the postback; while, synchronous postback changes the entire page.
What is the use of UseIISIntegration? Ans: This tells ASP.NET that IIS will be working as a reverse proxy in front of Kestrel. As if you expose your application to the Internet, you must use IIS, Nginx, or Apache as a reverse proxy server. When you wish to deploy your ASP.NET Core application on windows, you need to tell ASP.NET Core Host to use IIS integration. UseKestrel and UseIISIntegration must be used in conjunction as UseKestrel creates the web server and hosts the code. UseIISIntegration specifies IIS as the reverse proxy server.