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What is the difference between synchronous postback and asynchronous postback? The difference between synchronous and asynchronous postback is as follows: - Asynchronous postback renders only the part of the page which is needed; while, synchronous postback renders the entire page in a postback. - Asynchronous postback executes only one postback at a time, that is, if you have two buttons doing asynchronous postback, the actions are executed one by one; while, - synchronous postback invoke all the actions at a time. - Asynchronous postback only changes the update panel that invoke the postback; while, synchronous postback changes the entire page.
Can you explain Service Lifetime in AspNet Core? Built-in IoC container manages the lifetime of a registered service type. It automatically disposes a service instance based on the specified lifetime. The built-in IoC container supports three kinds of lifetimes: Singleton: IoC container will create and share a single instance of a service throughout the application's lifetime. Transient: The IoC container will create a new instance of the specified service type every time you ask for it. Scoped: IoC container will create an instance of the specified service type once per request and will be shared in a single request.