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Angualr Top questions
Peter Agyekum
What is Git workflow?
Commit command- commit all files into staging. Push workflow moves all changes from local to the remote repository Fetch collect and copy the repository to local. Pull gets change from remote copy to local
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The main difference between constructor and ngOnInit is that ngOnInit
In Angular, you can pass data from parent component to child component using...
You can create local HTML reference of HTML tag using variable which starts with character
A directive which modifies DOM hierarchy is called
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Custom pipe can modify actual value of variable apart from different presention in HTML.
In Angular routing, below tag is used to render matched component via active route.
We need to call below method of RouterModule for providing all routes in AppModule
Async Pipe subscribes to observer and update expression whenever there is data sent from observer
Below command is used to run Static Code analysis of Angular application
Router service needs to be explicitly provided in angular module to use it in other component via DI
We can chain multiple pipe in a single expression along with “async” pipe
Below component represent “target/host” DOM element inside Directive’s constructor
To build application in production mode, use below command
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Using below wild card we can define page not found route
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HTTP service’s get/put/post/delete function returns
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By default, component’s change detection strategy is set to
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To use HttpClient component you need to import below module
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HTTP service is called event if observer doesn’t have “subscribe” method
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What will be the output of below program?
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