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Peter Agyekum What is PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)? PaaS, or Platform-as-a-Service, is a cloud computing model that provides customers a complete cloud platform—hardware, software, and infrastructure—for developing, running, and managing applications without the cost, complexity, and inflexibility that often comes with building and maintaining that platform on-premises. It is a cloud computing platform designed to enable organizations to deploy, provision and run applications without needing to build out the underlying infrastructure. In essence, the cloud provider delivers the infrastructure, while the organization either provides its own application or uses an application that has been made available by the cloud provider. Every leading cloud service provider—including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure—has its own PaaS offering. Popular PaaS solutions are also available as open source projects (e.g. Apache Stratos, Cloud Foundry) or from software ventors (e.g. Red Hat OpenShift and Salesforce Heroku).
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