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What does AspCompat="true" mean and when should you use it?

The AspCompat attribute forces the page to execute in STA mode. ASP.NET runtime throws an exception, if the compatibility tag is omitted and an STA component is referenced in the page. If you convert the STA component to an assembly using Tlbimp.exe, runtime does not detect that the component uses the STA model and does not throw an exception, but the application can suffer from poor performance.
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What is .Net Remoting?

.Net Remoting is considered as the replacement for DCOM. Using .Net remoting remote object calls can be done which lies in different Application domains. As the remote objects runs under different process, client which calls remote object cannot call directly.
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What is client wins and store wins mode in Entity Framework concurrency?

Client wins and store wins are actions which you would like to take when concurrency happens. In store wins / database wins, the data from the server is loaded into your entity objects. Client wins is opposite to stored wins, data from the entity object is saved to the database. We need to use the Refresh method of the Entity Framework context and provide the RefreshMode enum values. Below is a simple code snippet which executes ClientWins.
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