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What is Global Assembly Cache ?

GAC (Global Assembly Cache) is used to share .NET assemblies. GAC will be used in the below scenarios – If the multiple application wanted to use the same assembly. If the assembly has security requirements. For example, if only administrators have the permission to remove the assembly.
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What is LINQ to Entities? What is Entity SQL? What is the role of Entity Client Data Provider?

LINQ to Entities is a query language which we used to write queries against the object models and the query result will return the entities defined in the Conceptual Model. Entity SQL is a query language is like LINQ to Entities. This is a bit complex compared to LINQ to Entities. A developer who is using this should learn this separately. Responsibility of Entity Client Data Provider is to convert the LINQ to Entities or Entity SQL queries to a SQL query, which is understood by the underlying database. This finally communicates with ADO.NET Data Provider which in turn used to talk to the database.
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What is Protected Configuration?

It is a feature used to secure connection string information.
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