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What you mean by Query String? What are its advantages and limitations?

The Query String helps to send the page information to the server. Advantages of Query String are - All browsers works with Query Strings. Query String would not not require any server resources so it does not exert any sort of burden on the server. Limitations of Query String are - Browser URL does not support many characters and it has limit. Information will be visible to the user, which leads to security issues.
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What’s a bubbled event?

When you have a complex control, like GridView, writing an event processing routine for each object like cell, button, row, etc. is tedious. The controls can bubble up their event handlers, allowing the main GridView event handler to take care of its constituents.
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What’s the difference between Literal control and Label control?

Label control is rendered as span when rendered as HTML. Label control styles like font size, font color etc can be changed with very less effort. Javascript or JQuery also can access the label control very easily. Literal control rendered as it is. Literal control cannot be styled easily like label control because it does not render in enclosed HTML tags. Javascript or Jquery will not be able to access literal control because while rendering it would not have ID in spite of giving the ID in mark up.
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