C# is a programming language used when developing Asp.net. The C# programming language is specially designed for easy use in practically any purpose. Asp.net is a web application framework created by Microsoft. The main goal of Asp.net is to create web applications, web sites and web services.
Corri Rob
C# is a new language created by Microsoft and submitted to the ECMA for standardization. This new language was created by a team of people at Microsoft led by Anders Hejlsberg . Interestingly, Hejlsberg is a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer who has created other products and languages, including Borland Turbo C++ and Borland Delphi. With C#, they focused on taking what was right about existing languages and adding improvements to make something better.
9/16/2019 10:38:23 PM
Raster Bigman
C# provides functionality to support modern day software development. C# supports Web, Mobile, and app development needs. Some of the modern-day programming language features C# supports are generics, var types, auto initialization of types and collections, lambda expressions, dynamic programming, asynchronous programming, tuples, pattern matching, advanced debugging and exception handling, and more.
9/16/2019 10:43:30 PM
Jay Man
MVC. Stands for "Model-View-Controller." MVC is an application design model comprised of three interconnected parts. ... The MVC model or "pattern" is commonly used for developing modern user interfaces. It is provides the fundamental pieces for designing a programs for desktop or mobile, as well as web applications
1/12/2020 1:28:06 AM
CSharp Top questions: CREATE
C# Top questions
C# is a programming language used when developing Asp.net. The C# programming language is specially designed for easy use in practically any purpose. Asp.net is a web application framework created by Microsoft. The main goal of Asp.net is to create web applications, web sites and web services.