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  • Peter Agyekum What is React?

    React is a front-end JavaScript library that mainly follows the component-based approach for building a user interface (UI) components for a single page application. It is also used for handling the view layer in both mobile and web apps. Moreover, react plays a crucial role in developing interactive mobile and web UIs. It was created and developed by Jordan Walke; it was deployed first on the Facebook newsfeed in 2011.

    Peter Agyekum What is DOM in ReactJS and what data structure is focused on?

    DOM (Document Object Model ) is a technology which composes of multiple nodes and utilizes a concept of a Tree data structure.

    Peter Agyekum What is JSX in ReactJS?

    JSX means JavaScript Extension and is used just like HTML code.

    Peter Agyekum JSX can be used inside conditional statements like What?

    If and For. JSX gets converted into JavaScript objects post compilation and hence it can be used in conditional statements like if statement or for loops similar to normal JavaScript.

    Peter Agyekum What is a Pure function?

    A pure function does not change the parameters being passed as input to the function depicted.

    Peter Agyekum How is State ______________ to component?

    Ans: State is a feature that works similar to prop but is Private and managed by a component. PRIVATE

    Peter Agyekum Who created javaScript?


    Peter Agyekum What is ECMAsScript 6?


    Peter Agyekum What is Digital?

    Digital is a standard for devices interact with the echo system such as Smart Phones

    Peter Agyekum What is a server?

    Server is a Software

    Peter Agyekum What are the Multi-user server


    Peter Agyekum Client and Websever?

    Request: Html. CSS, IMG, DATA, JS Request: IIS, JBossApache, Tomcat

    Peter Agyekum CSS3?

    W3C standard for styling UI Mobile Friendly

    Peter Agyekum What is a DOM?

    W3C API for dynamically modifying the HTML, parser to convert HTML on the client-side to a tree structure for quick HTML element search and modification

    Peter Agyekum What is javascript?

    Interpreted language. Reduce line of code for better performance.

    Peter Agyekum What is JSX in ReactJS?

    JavaScript XML: Combines the flexibility of JavaScript and HTML to render Views dynamic in React

    Peter Agyekum What is TypeScript?

    ECMA Script standard, created by Microsoft, support OOPS keywords, eg Class, extends, errors, compile into JS

    Peter Agyekum What is REACT?

    Code is flexible to change and Maintainable based on the MVC principles

    Peter Agyekum React frontend and Backend?

    React frontend Server ExpressJS- configures NodeJS as a web Server for Deployment NodeJS NPM Modules- API

    Peter Agyekum What is Note Package Manager (NPM)?

    It is the installer for React, Angular or any other applications.

    Peter Agyekum What is controlled and uncontrolled field in React?

    1. Uncontrolled fields will be controlled by the dom, using a reference 2. Controlled fields will be controlled by the react component, using state

    Peter Agyekum What is Hook in React?

    Hooks are functions that let you " hook into" React Srate and lifeCycle features from a functional components. Hooks don's work inside classes. They let you use React without classes.

    Peter Agyekum Hooks take two parameters What are they?

    reducer function and initial state. Returns current state and a dispatch method.

    Peter Agyekum Reducer function takes two parameters, mention?

    State and action. When dispatch is called , reducer function will be called. In the reducer function you will have if or swich block that will return a fresh state based on an action. This will be passed as a parameter to the dispatch function. The action can be an object that have multiple properties, most common is type of action and the value passed.