• My answer: Database is an organized collection of related data where the data is stored and organized to serve some specific purpose
• QUESTION #2: I’m a developer. Explain why I need a unique key on my table?
Pearce Poda
Database is a systematic collection of data. Databases support storage and manipulation of data. Databases make data management easy
9/16/2019 5:35:01 PM
Samson Koa
Databases have evolved since their inception in the 1960s, beginning with hierarchical and network databases, through the 1980s with object-oriented databases, and today with SQL and NoSQL databases and cloud databases.
A relational database, invented by E.F. Codd at IBM in 1970, is a tabular database in which data is defined so that it can be reorganized and accessed in a number of different ways.
9/16/2019 6:02:21 PM
Mina Sebrin
CSS. Stands for "Cascading Style Sheet." ... CSS helps Web developers create a uniform look across several pages of a Web site. Instead of defining the style of each table and each block of text within a page's HTML, commonly used styles need to be defined only once in a CSS document.
9/16/2019 8:20:19 PM
Databases Top questions: CREATE
Database Top questions
• My answer: Database is an organized collection of related data where the data is stored and organized to serve some specific purpose
• QUESTION #2: I’m a developer. Explain why I need a unique key on my table?