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Review the previous day’s slow transactions By reviewing all users’ transaction information, you can see which transactions are taking more than a specified amount of time. Before you start, ensure you have the Client Transaction Timings plugin enabled to capture all the data. Also, note depending on the size of your instance this table can be huge and may time out before the results load, so ensure you load it with 'sysparm_filter_only=true' then specify a filter to start looking at results. In the list of transactions, you can view the total response time along with: • A breakdown of the composite parts – This includes the time spent rendering in the browser, time spent on the server processing the transaction, and calculated time spent in the network. • The details of which node processed the request • The IP address of the host making the request • The user making the request • When the transaction occurred • The session ID – Since this is also captured, it’s possible to review the application logs to dissect every action a user has performed in their session. Things that should stand out for you include: • Whether there is a particular time of day when transactions execute slowly • Whether these transactions are all being processed by the same node – This suggests one or more transactions or background jobs are consuming large quantities of memory. • Whether the transaction response times are poor across all nodes – This typically signifies the the database was working harder than usual, impacting all transactions. You might notice that the top 10 slowest transactions were all issued by a single user and are incident lists. If that’s the case, you can review the user’s settings or impersonate that user and try to recreate the issue. You may also want to filter transactions by URL to analyze the slow transactions. Additionally, reporting on aggregate response times can be a powerful way to track how overall instance performance is changing with time. For more detailed instructions on how to work with the transaction logs, see our product documentation site.
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