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What are the Things you might find in an SLA?
Service Description, Hours of operation, User Response times, Incident Response times, Resolution times, Availability & Continuity targets, Customer Responsibilities, Critical operational periods, Change Response Times,
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Performance & Tuning?
Consider your instance and review these five stages to determine if all or only some of them are required to keep your ServiceNow instance running like a well-tuned racecar
Step 1 – Daily instance performance?
Review the System Diagnostics homepage?
Review the previous day’s slow transactions?
Review the previous day’s slow transactions
Consider your use cases
Step 2 – Weekly instance performance
Configure scheduled jobs to use “Burst” scheduler workers?
Check for repeated errors in the error log?
Find log files over 1 GB
Find slow-running jobs
Find long-running jobs
Trend your top 20 transactions
Step 3 – Monthly instance performance?
Monitor your table growth rates
Clean your tables?
Review the Slow Queries log?
Step 4 – Quarterly instance performance?
Step 5 – Continually improve your instance?
The takeaway
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The recommended amount of Record in update set is ?
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What is base table?
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What is Table?
What is sys_Id?
How do you make other table takes properties of the parent.?
Where is thr System dictionary?
What is dictionary override?
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What is the synchronous assycronous?
It is a good practice to limit the code run on the client side than the server side True or False?
Ahat define a defines a condition? •
The data saved to where?
Column is a field and a row is a What?
What steps will you take to load data from spreadsheet?
Coalescing on a field (or set of fields. means the field will be used as a unique key
Roles can contain other roles. When user is assigned to a role, he will inherit the contained roles as well
It compares the uniqueness of data if not found, creates new record.
It compares the uniqueness of data if not found, creates new record.
9 What do you mean by SaaS?
In which table user to group mapping is stored?
A user opened an incident record... A user opened an incident record, at that time the incident state was 'Open', he changed the state to 'New' and saved the recorD. Later, after some time he opened the same record and changed the state to 'Closed' and without saving it he changed the state to 'In Progress'. With the above-mentioned scenario above what will be the oldValue and newValue of the Incident State?
What is a Transform Map in ServiceNow?
Which of the following is A steps in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI. model?
Which of the following is A N objective of Service Operation?
What is dictionary override?
Which of the following is NOT one of the ITIL core publications? •
Which of the following are the three main types of metrics as defined in Continual Service Improvement (CSI)? Which of the following are the three main types of metrics as defined in Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?
The priority of an Incident refers to?
Which are the missing Service Operation processes from the following?
The BEST definition of an event is?
Technical Management IS responsible for?
The following options are considered within which process? 1. Big bang vs. Phased 2. Push and Pull 3. Automated vs. Manual
Setting policies and objectives is the primary concern of which of the following elements of the Service Lifecycle?
Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of Event Management?
Consider the following statements: Consider the following statements: 1. CSI provides guidance on how to improve process efficiency and effectiveness 2. CSI provides guidance on how to improve services 3. CSI provides guidance on the improvement of all phases of the service lifecycle 4. CSI provides guidance on the measurement of processes and services Which of the above statements is CORRECT?
If an organization can become more proactive in its ITSM processes, what is likely to happen to support costs?
Which of the following BEST describes a Local Service Desk structure?
What is the role of the Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB)?
What is the CORRECT order of the first four activities in the 7 Step Improvement Process?
At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined?
Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?
Which of the following BEST describes service strategies value to the business?
Which two processes will contribute MOST to enabling effective problem detection?
Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?
What is the name of the group that should review changes that must be implemented faster than the normal change process?
The BEST description of an incident is:
Which one of the following is the CORRECT set of steps for the continual service improvement approach? •
What body exists to support the authorization of changes and to assist change management in the assessment and prioritization of changes?
What should a service always deliver to customers?
Which process is responsible for the availability, confidentiality and integrity of data?
Which user receives notification, meeting invites on behalf of another user
How do you edit/ create a workflow?
How do you know which release version of Service Now you are working on?
How do you change the color of the instance?
When user creates a table "abc", how does ServiceNow name it?
A transform map is a set of field maps that determine the relationships between fields in an import set and fields in an existing ServiceNow table?
How is the application Navigator (left nav) populated onload?
Moving an entry from Available to Selected slush bucket removes it from the form. ?
What table is used to store the SLAs definition?
How will you approve a change request?
Applications and modules are loaded based on?
What is difference between Save & Insert action on form?
How do you modify the field behavior?
SLA, OLA and UC are configured in which module?
In which table role to group mapping is stored?
How will you define a workflow?
If a notification has a template attached and the subject is filled out on the notification, then on the email getting fired, what will happen?
Consider a Scenario- Ramesh: Suresh, We won a deal from CISCO. Suresh: Sure, CTS will provide CISCO with best deals to carry out their IT operations. Ramesh: Now, they want that their Priority 1 network issue should be resolved within 4 hrs. Suresh: Our internal network team has its defined resolution time of 2 hrs. Ramesh: Also, you have to keep in mind, CISCO has chosen Netgear as his vendor to support his network equipment and the time for resolution with Netgear is 5 hrs. Suresh: What ITSM tool CISCO is planning to deploy? Ramesh: The tool is Service Now, Please confirm whether the requirement can be achieved or not? So, in order to fulfill the above requirement what all should be done in Service Now?
What does the Out-Of-Box 'Insert and Stay' Context menu represents?
Workflow versions captured in wf_workflow_version
Does ESS have a role?
Retroactive start when activated Sets start to equal when the ticket was created
How are users related to roles or groups?
What is Business Rules?
Which of the following is An ITIL core publications?
When Business Rules Run?
What Business Rules Takes?
What is Client Script?
Client Script Types
Client Script Types Continue?
Client Script Types-onChange
Script Includes?
UI Policies
What is Access Control Lists?
Review: Tables Rows and Fields
Search Order for a Field Level Rule?
Some Examples Tips
Some Examples Tips
Case Study for * vs. None
What is a Service Request Management (SRM)?
Types of Service Requests?
Three Separate Records of service request?
What is an incident?
What is Incident Management?
How do you prevent Incident from not happening again?
How do you fix bugs in Production?