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Peter Agyekum Planing An Update set Continue? 4) Identify a common path for update sets to move from instance to instance and maintain that model. Never migrate the same update set from multiple sources. The best practice is to move update sets from dev to test and then from test to production.<br> 5) Plan for when to commit the update set to production. Avoid committing an update set to a production instance during business hours. The instance may perform slower temporarily as the update set applies.<br> 6) Make sure update set names are clear. Create a naming convention to coordinate changes from multiple developers and to reference when committing the changes to another instance.<br> If update sets are being generated as fixes for problems, consider including the problem ticket in the name (for example, PR10005 - Duplicate Email Issues Fix).<br> If more than one update set is needed to address a problem, include a sequence number in the naming convention so that update sets are applied in the order that they were created (for example, PR10005 - Duplicate Email Issues Fix and PR10005.2 - Duplicate Email Issues Fix).
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